Monday 12 November 2018

Innovations in Oil Palm Mechanisation Tools of Achievement

Innovations in Oil Palm Mechanisation Tools of Achievement

The book serves as a useful reference to many quarters of the industry including plantation owners, planters, smallholders, policy makers, engineers, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, suppliers and workshop opertors for opportunities in oil palm machanisation. Apart from fruit collection and field maintenance, are at various levels of adoption. It is strongly hoped that this book will enhance mechanisation in plantation for the benefit of the oul palm industry. improvements are continuous and feedback are most welcomed.
Buku itu berfungsi sebagai rujukan berguna kepada banyak pihak industri termasuk pemilik ladang, penanam, pekebun kecil, pembuat dasar, jurutera, usahawan, pengeluar, pembekal dan bengkel opertors untuk peluang dalam penipuan kelapa sawit. Selain daripada pengumpulan buah dan penyelenggaraan lapangan, terdapat pelbagai peringkat penggunaan. Diharapkan buku ini akan meningkatkan mekanisasi di ladang untuk kepentingan industri sawit. penambahbaikan berterusan dan maklum balas yang paling dialu-alukan.

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Innovations in Oil Palm Mechanisation Tools of Achievement

Innovations in Oil Palm Mechanisation Tools of Achievement

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